Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I am aware of how blessed I am, but I have married a man who knows how to make Valentine's Day so sweet. This morning as I was putting Kaela down for her morning nap, I came out of the room and stumbled on this trail of white chocolate chips: 

Which led to this beautifully made bed and heart and flower: 

In our holiday-greeting-card book (thanks Palmers for letting us steal the idea!) there was the sweetest note. It made my whole morning! 

Kaela and I worked hard today to have these ready when he got home: 

Homemade truffles (supposedly healthy...)  --> here's the recipe

And Chicken Parmigiana. Russ and I love this recipe!! (and thanks to Aunt Katy for introducing us to these rolls)

Here is Kaela's "Happy Valentines Day" face

Here is the face the I get when I tell her not to chew on the end of her seat belt. It's promptly followed by this face:  

What age are they supposed to understand "no"?? Is she being defiant already? Please say no. 

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