Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Learning From Our Children

I recently had a poor parenting experience. From me. I was the bad parent.

I was driving my two boys to their school one morning and we were running a little late. I got behind a gentleman going straight when I needed to turn right and the light had turned green. The car in front of me just sat there, so I lightly tapped my horn to let him know to look up and move forward so that I could turn. Nothing. So I waited and tapped again. Still nothing. I finally laid on my horn and he still didn't move, so I started to say words I regretted. Here's what happened.

Me: Stupid driver!! Ugh, people can be so stupid
Tanner: People aren't stupid
Me: Yes they are
Tanner: No they aren't
Me: Yes they are
Tanner: No they aren't
Me: Tanner, that man was being stupid
Tanner: No he wasn't .... Mom, he was just in front of you....
....Pause.... Jesus loves everyone mom..... Pause..... even us

I really appreciated the sweet "even us" at the end of his correction. As though it went without saying that the man in front of us had done nothing more than just be in front of us, therefore meriting no lack of love from Christ. Yet, I had gotten mad and angry and sad mean words and needed to be aware of Christ's love.

Children are amazing. They are little sponges, they are soaking up all that they see and hear and they are retaining it. No matter how little they appear to be taking in, they get it. All the good AND all the bad.

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