Monday, December 3, 2012

Growing Pains

The last little while for our family has been extremely busy and full of change. We have moved from one side of the US to the other and we didn't have housing when we got here. Once we finally found housing it has been an adventure to get unpacked and settled. Throughout all of it I have been having some growing pains. I am learning the reality of my roles as a wife and mother. It is a good reality. It is a blessed life. But sometimes I still have growing pains when I have to learn more about the realities of what I am called to do in my position.
Today I was blog hopping and I ran across a wonderful article that reminded me of how wonderful it is to be a mother. I try so hard to enjoy every minute of my life, and in all honesty I think that I do pretty well. If it makes any sense at all, that's why I sometimes get growing pains, because I love being with my daughter, I love serving my husband and I don't understand why I should be having a hard time with loneliness or tiredness when I am living the life of my dreams. 
As I was reading through the article Motherhood- The Highest Service of Order I was filled with a love and an understanding about my position. It is no different than many other women that have gone before me. It's just not quite as publicized in the news or media. And I realized today that maybe that's the thing, maybe I need to be more actively searching to surround myself with a community (online or otherwise) of women who know what I am going through. 
Not only that, but there is this wonderful online community of mothers who are not only in my position of being a stay at home mother and wife and so I can relate to them in that aspect, but they also have my same beliefs. What a wonderful thing to be able to connect with what someone is saying because you too are grateful for a Savior who has died for each and everyone of us. What a blessing to have guidance from a loving Heavenly Father by prophets and apostles that are here on the earth. They truly have words that speak to exactly what I need to hear in my times of need. 
I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. It truly is what I draw from during hard times in my life and for that I am forever grateful.
In my blog hopping another thing that was comforting to me today was a link to this video:

I hope that by sharing these things at least one other person can be comforted like I was. The Lord knows us and he knows our trials and he sends angels to guard and comfort us. How blessed are we!!

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