Monday, March 12, 2012

Multiple Tooth Teething

I am so blessed to have such a happy baby. Seriously, I don't know where she came from, but you can't help but be happy with her. I love being her mom. That's why the last few days have been so surprising. She is still generally happy, but she gets fussier easier and she isn't sleeping through the nights. That's not normal for her. I was confused after 3-4 nights of waking up with her a few times in the middle of the night then I realized her second vampire tooth broke through (yep, she got her vampire teeth before her front teeth). That brings the total to 6 teeth. Then yesterday I wised up and felt her gums. Her front two teeth are also coming in. BASICALLY she will have had 4 teeth break through in the span of a week. Can you say pain? I would be fussy too!

(not to mention the time I failed to catch her when she lost her balance on my lap and hit her mouth on the desk... during skype... in front of my parents... I wanted to cry for her it looked so painful) (I promise mom, that's not a common occurrence. That was really the first time.)

Anyway, we have become teething soothing experts here. 

Hyland's Teething Tablets - When she started teething at 4 months, these upset her stomach each time I tried so I gave up. This time it took Kaela a few tries to finally get used to the tablets, but they are working now! Now she smacks her lips when she sees the bottle. Can I get a hoorah?!

Mesh Pacifiers - Fill these little gems with an ice cube or freeze some fruit juice for variety and she is SO much more calm. (Thanks so much to my aunt who mailed these to us as a gift, they are wonderful for snacking AND teething now)

Baby Tylenol..... if you like sleep, like me. I gave her this before she took her bedtime bottle (if I try to give it after when she is full she won't take it). Sometimes I feel guilty for drugging my child, but I have only used this a total of 3 times in the last week of fussiness so I really don't use it all that much. I guess the guilty factor only comes in when she is fussy at the beginning and I am not positive whether it is teething or not and I give the meds to her anyway. I have never been wrong though. I guess you have to hand that one to mother's intuition. Apparently I know more than I give myself credit for. 

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