Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Um... not so expert

Remember that time that I mistakenly typed that we were teething experts?! WHAT was I thinking?! I believe it was that day or the next that we hit the peak of teething time. I mean the clingy, don't-put-me-down-or-I-will-wail, constant pain, nap times thrown out the window stage. I think we are over the worst of it now. I think that will put our teething time to two weeks. But we made it through. Alive. And somewhat in tact. That's when I had mistakenly referred to myself as an expert. That act alone required for something to happen to humble me.

You know those days when you feel like you did when you came out of the hospital the first time with your first baby? You know, the feeling like, "they are actually going to let me take this baby away from the nurses care?" They do realize I haven't done this before, right? I mean completely clueless? I am trying, but I just don't understand it all. And I want to. That is how I operate. I study something, I know what I am getting myself into and then I go for it. I am the kind of person that wants something to be perfect. For example, there were times when I was a secretary that I would take messages for my boss and then rewrite the message note because I didn't think my handwriting was presentable the first time.

So now that it comes to the point of dropping a nap, I am all in a whirl. What do I do?? I have tried just pushing her naps back. I wait until she acts tired. She goes down like a champ. I lay her down for her morning nap (or any nap for the matter) and she rolls over and sucks her thumb like she is off to sleep. I walk out and she proceeds to play in her crib for about an hour before she goes to sleep. It doesn't sound like that bad of a thing, but I thought we had a schedule down. This means that when I have something planned in the morning I have to take into consideration that an extra hour is now needed for all of her nap times. Or else, and this has happened. I have to take a baby that doesn't get her morning nap. Ugh! I know this too shall pass. I know that we will figure out her new napping routine where she doesn't need quite as much sleep now, but the process of trying to figure out is like learning this weird balancing act without any prior instruction.

Not gonna lie, sometimes I just want to take Kaela aside and say, "Hey, sorry that you have to be the guinea pig for all this parenting stuff! But the good news is you are taking it like a champ!"

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