Thursday, January 3, 2013

3/365 - (Bad Mom Award...)

So my sweet baby girl woke up from her nap yesterday with an eye swollen shut. The doctors couldn't get her in till this afternoon, but this is how she woke up. Broke my heart.

When we went in to see the doctor: pink eye in both eyes AND a double ear infection. She hasn't even been messing with her ears. Not to mention her eczema. Does someone want to take over for a week?? I feel like I am breaking my child, the poor thing! And yet she is still always SO smiley!


  1. Poor sweet girl<3 We just battled this with my oldest last week.

    1. It's so sad!! I wouldn't wish it on anyone!

  2. awe, so sad. hopefully she gets better soon. i love that she is still smiling! don't beat yourself up, i'm sure you are a great mom!

  3. So how is she doing... hopefully much better by now!

    1. She is soo much better! Back to her normal active self!! The worst part was giving her the eye drops, she hates that part!
