Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sick Baby

Let me give you a quick glimpse into my life. I blog sometimes about things that I worry about or that bother me, so I worry that it may seem that my life is this terrible, no good life. 

Well, generally I wake up to the sounds of my sweet little girl moving around in her crib as she wakes up. She usually sleeps pretty well through the night and then coos in her crib till I come to get her. When I walk in the room her face lights up into a smile and she rushes to the side of the crib to greet me. 

Seriously, what could be a better wake up call. Granted, I let her coo and occasionally whimper (okay sometimes she cries a little too) in the crib until 7 or so when I am ready to have her get out of the crib. If the crying is too bad I get her a little earlier, but any annoyance about that is melted away by her smiles. 

Then breakfast, which is always entertaining. She loves eating and is so much fun to feed. The day is usually sprinkled with some sort of errand, where she is so excited to see new things that it makes me genuinely happy about everything, and cleaning which is never too bad when you have this little imp crawling (and now that she can use the walker she "bumper-car-runs") around my legs. 

Anyway, in all seriousness, life is good. I love being a mom. I feel like all my life I have been searching for my purpose. Like I might have found it in a job or in a major or degree. I never found it. Until now. Now I love being a wife and a mom. There are things about it that are hard. Very hard. In ways I never imagined. But I guess that's what makes it so fulfilling. 

One of those hard things is sickness. My daughter just got sick for the first time. I mean coughing till she gags, can't sleep for more then 15-20 minutes between coughing fits, goes back to sleep faster if she knows we are there to comfort her, nose running like a faucet, cries about the littlest thing because she is so tired type sick. Breaks my heart. Really I was beside myself. I didn't know what to do. We are on the downhill part of it today and she is actually sleeping now.
 (Insert Hallelujah Chorus here... quietly... strike that, let's stay away from all noises) 
BUT I realized something. Something besides the fact that the people manufacturing baby tylenol are in it for the business... why else would they change the dosing so you have to use 2.5 syringe fulls of medicine. Have you ever tried to get one full syringeful into a crying baby? How about 2? How about 2.5? You're all jerks. Corporate, business-minded jerks. Yes, now I will use my baby tylenol a heck of a lot faster and come crawling back to you all frazzled when my baby is sick. Why would you pick on us moms. You try it for a day. Then we will see about how you choose to change dosing. 
Back to what I realized though. My baby is teething. That's right. On top of all the sickness she has two teeth coming in right next to her little bottom teeth. My heart is breaking for her. Breaking and hoping she will sleep just a little longer... 


  1. You should read the book "Choosing Motherhood". You can find it on Amazon for $12. It's a compilation of essays by women whose husbands attended Yale. Most of them were in our ward, but moved before I ever met them. The paragraph you wrote just below the picture made me think of this book.

    1. Nice! I will check that out, I am always up for new books to read. Thanks so much!
