Friday, January 6, 2012

Who Needs Sleep?

So last night my baby girl woke up every hour.

You know how you have those nights when the baby wakes up often and you genuinely think, "my sweet baby, what is wrong?? I hope that she is ok! What on earth could be ailing her? I need to be by her side." That is how I feel for a good percentage of the nights she wakes up often. Unfortunately I have those nights when I feel more along the lines of, "Seriously, I just put you down! Why? What more could you possibly need?!" Of course I felt that way the fourth time I was up -- that's when I convinced the hubby it was his turn. Normally he would jump at my asking to help, but he had a big day at work the next day (and flying helicopters is an occupation that you really need to be rested) so he hesitated until I told him she had been up EVERY hour. So dutifully he ran to make her a bottle at 4:30 am. I listened to her cry for another 2 minutes or so while he made the bottle, but before he even got to her she fell back to sleep.

Somehow the message was relayed to her that from then on it was daddy's turn to get up so she slept till 7:00.... How is that fair?!?!

THEN my dear hubby said that I should simply sleep while she took her naps. Awesome, that's the plan. I feed her and along rolls her morning nap time. I am ready for a good 2 hour nap, at least 1.5 hour. Nope my friend, 20 minutes. I laid down right as I put her in the crib at 9:50 and was awaken by her cry at 10:14. Thinking maybe I would let her cry and she would go back to sleep I laid there until the clock hit 10:20... I sobbed into my pillow and I went and got her.

One day, I will request my well earned and well deserved PTO for a full 48 hours of whatever I want to do. But it's gotta be good, so I will wait till I find out what that is.

The funny thing is I want to be so bugged and ornery so she realizes how much she interrupted my sleep, but then I see her standing in her crib and her face breaks into a huge gummy smile at the sight of me and my heart melts and I decide to save the games for another lifetime. For this one I will just hug her, enjoy her and laugh at my lack of sleep. (Once it's too much of a lack I may shed a tear or two, but no one needs to know that)

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